Job Title | Consultant as a Proposal Writer to prepare and write a Concept Note as Regional Application to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
Expected duration of the Assignment | 24 October – 30 January 2017 ( 15 consultancy days) |
Public call organized in partnership with CCM Macedonia, H.E.R.A. and STRONGER TOGETHER supported by AIDS Healthcare Foundation
- In the period September – December 2016 working on preparation of forming functional regional mechanism in South East Europe to assist governments in the Balkan region to work together on advocacy priorities for removing the legal and policy barriers that prevent key populations from enjoying the right to access HIV prevention, treatment and care. It is focused as much on governments and national AIDS Programs as it is on community organizations, the regional mechanism will be partnerships between governments and civil society that already on CCM level have proven to be an effective vehicle for change in this area. After unsuccessful transition of Serbia and Montenegro with the exit out of the Global Fund, key affected people faced closure of preventive services that jeopardize the investments made in the last 11 years and therefore through establishment of the functional regional mechanism will work together in the region to address the following:-The need to prioritize sustainability and responsible transition implemented in countries in South East Europe, especially for prevention among key populations that is usually jeopardized after exiting out of the Global Fund funding in countries.-Strengthen the vision for scaling up programmes in the region, especially addressing the increasing HIV prevalence among MSM in South East Europe.
-Expansion of integrated and decentralized care and treatment services in the region, this progress must be balanced with a renewed emphasis on effective and innovative interventions and strategies, based on an approach involving combination HIV prevention and human rights.
-Human rights must continue to be a guiding principle and implementation must be significantly strengthened. And the removal of punitive laws must gain new importance and focus.
-Communities and civil society must be engaged at every step of the transition processes. Through good coordination among different regional stakeholders we can and will make a difference in the lives of those living with and impacted by the diseases.
Overall goal: Establishment of a regional platform in South East Europe from countries that are receiving and transiting from GF to advocate for HIV sustainability beyond Global Fund projects both at national and regional level.
Countries in the South East Europe expected to be part of the regional platform: Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bulgaria and Romania.
Specific objective: Organizing a regional conference to open a forum for discussion among countries on GF transitional processes and regional funding for HIV.
- Two-day regional conference – A regional conference will be held in Skopje, Macedonia in November-December 2016, where 8 CCM members and 8 CSO’s networks representatives from 8 different countries in South East Europe (Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Romania and Bosnia) will be present and make a commitment to establish a regional coordinating mechanism and apply to the Global Fund with a regional grant. The conference will focus on identifying key challenges that need to be addressed in ensuring the much delayed transition to functional national programs, but more importantly the key issues of affected communities to be addressed in the regional project proposal. MoU with all members will be signed and will drive the further collaboration and joint leadership on advocacy at Regional Level to ensure future funding.
- Developing a draft concept note for a Global Fund Regional HIV grant – The concept note will propose joint regional advocacy interventions designed to ensure the sustainability and domestic funding of HIV service for key groups, to achieve adequate scale-up and to improve laws and policies that influence national HIV programs, as well as the rights based approach in HIV prevention. The draft concept note will serve as a concrete basis for discussion during the regional conference in November-December. The writing team will be led by an international consultant and additional 3 local experts from the SE Europe region that will be responsible for contacting country representatives in order to collect the key information about the HIV response.
- Responsibilities for the international consultant
The proposal writer will:
– Help the South East Europe regional mechanism in collecting relevant data from various sources such as reports and other publications issued by UN, governmental bodies, community organizations and other NGOs, aiming at the better justification of the regional program objectives and activities;
– Assist the internal working group composed by 3 local consultants in South East Europe in analysis of collected information via the regional on-line Consultation and the regional conference;
– Provide relevant information to the facilitator(s) of the Regional Dialogue Conference that will be held 1-2 December 2016 with advice on better planning and monitoring of the meeting with a purpose to ensure effective discussion of the regional program details and reaching understanding and consensus between the key stakeholders regarding critical issues that should be addressed in the regional application;
– Provide the relevant information of the Regional Advisory Group composed by 3 local experts with advise on better planning and monitoring of the regional meeting with the purpose to ensure good quality discussion of the Regional Program details and reaching a compromise between the Group members;
– Participate in on-line consultations together with the 3 local experts in the period October- December 2016 for developing a regional concept to the Global Fund to fight HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
– Provide the internal working group of local consultants in the South East Europe Regional Mechanism with explanations verbally or in written form in the Concept Note to approve it.
– Write the draft Regional Concept Note with data collected from the 3 local consultants coming from the Balkan region.
– Edit final version of the Regional Concept Note
- Deadlines and products expected:
– October 24th: Analysis of data collected via the online consultation with local experts in the Balkan region analyzed with aim to select data applicable for the Concept Note development and the Regional Conference conduction;
– October 31th: The first and rough draft of the Concept Note that includes clear description of information needed for finalization of the Concept Note is prepared and sent to the internal working group of local consultants in the South East Europe Regional Mechanism;
– November 7 th: The South East Regional Mechanism Conference agenda coordinated with the relevant CCM Macedonia Secretariat staff and engaged local consultants that will have obligation to present the draft concept note at the Regional Conference for adopting;
– November 23rdth: The majority of information listed in the first draft as needed is provided. The second draft of the Concept Note is prepared and sent to the internal working group composed by the 3 local SE consultants;
– November 30th: Pre-final draft of the Concept note developed and sent to the internal working group composed by the 3 local SE consultants that will have obligation to present the draft concept note at the Regional Conference for adopting.
– January 20th: Based on comments of the internal working group of local consultants collected from the already formed South East Europe Regional Mechanism, the final draft of the Concept Note developed and back to the internal working group composed by the 3 local SE consultants;
- Qualification and experience required
-Degree in relevant field including: Public Health, Health Financing, International Development, Project Management.
-No less than 5 years of extensive experience as public health specialist with a record of successfully managing and contributing to HIV programs in particular in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region.
-Already experienced in writing regional applications to the Global Fund to fight HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.
-Knowledge and experience in transition and sustainability of HIV programs.
-Proven analytical skills, team spirit and ability to work under tight deadlines.
-Working knowledge of English.
- Application:
Please submit your CV and cover letter explaining your expertise as well as a consultancy fee rate per day as an offer, and send all the required documents on the following e-mail: not later than 10th October 2016.