Women in Macedonia, particularly those from socially vulnerable groups, face different barriers while trying to obtain reproductive health services. The poor reproductive health causes one third of the global burden of disease of women of reproductive age and one fifth of the global burden of disease of the general population.
The Reproductive Healthcare Situational Analysis in Macedonia, which HERA initiated in 2017, involved representatives of all stakeholders in society with the sole aim to provide objective assessment of the situation in the country from several viewpoints and to contribute to the process for making evidence-informed decisions for this healthcare segment.
The analysis looked at the problem from several viewpoints: the capacities of the country related to the available health workforce actually or potentially involved in the provision of reproductive health services, the health information system and the healthcare financing system with respect to reproductive health. The findings of the analysis served as a basis for creating recommendations for further improvement of the situation, presented in a separate document titled “Proposed modalities and guidelines for systemic solutions to reduce the barriers to accessing reproductive healthcare of women in the Republic of Macedonia – Focus on the human resources in the health sector”.
The Situational Analysis is available in English and in Macedonian.
The Proposed Modalities, too, are available in English and in Macedonian.