HERA Youth emerged from the need of the young people to be heard and to take their problems in their own hands whenever issues of priority for the youth are not treated with priority by the institutions. Today, HERA’s informal youth group gathers more than 90 young persons aged between 16 and 25 who, with their passion and commitment typical for the young people, raise the awareness and educate their peers about sexual and reproductive health and rights through peer education for comprehensive sexuality education and with their “Sexy Neighbourhood” that has been aired on Radio MOF every second Wednesday since 2011.
Since 2013 they have become part of the of the Vision 2020 of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, because sustainable development and equality cannot be achieved without respecting and enjoying the sexual and reproductive rights. Fully aware that North Macedonia is on the rock bottom of the European list concerning the use of contraceptives, and among the top ranking concerning teenage pregnancy and youth abortions, and violence and bullying are ever-growing, young people demand what is rightfully theirs – access to oral contraceptives on the positive list and access to free condoms, comprehensive sexuality education in schools and youth-friendly centres for sexual and reproductive health!
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