The right to contraception is one of the fundamental human rights because it entails to right to health and healthcare. Contraception allows women and girls to decide independently, freely and without coercion whether to have children, when and how many. The more it is available, the more often it is used, and the societies that provide it are economically stronger and more developed. Women who use contraception are more independent and empowered, and have greater access to education and work. Contraception prevents the unintended pregnancy, reduces the risk from uterine and ovarian cancer, protects against cysts and anaemia, relieves menstrual cramps and face acne.
This said, only 13% of couples in North Macedonia use modern contraceptive methods, and only 1.6% of youth use oral contraceptives. Without contraception there can be no sound sexual and reproductive health. This is exactly why ever since 2005 we’ve been educating the young people and providing free counselling and modern contraceptives though our “I Want To Know” Youth Centres and the HIV peer education programme. Our HERA Youth tirelessly raise the awareness among their peers about the benefits from contraception and every year on 26th September they mark the World Contraception Day.
Read more about:
- Factors influencing the use of contraception
- Family planning – a training manual for service providers in primary healthcare
- Brochure Contraception is my choice
- Contra(youth)ception (short analysis by HERA Youth)
- Healthcare System Investment and Cost Savings of Modern Contraceptive Provision in Macedonia