“The promotion and advancement of women’s rights should be a priority for society as a whole,” was the main message from a meeting of the Leadership Group for Gender Equality held in Skopje on July 9th. The meeting was organized by HERA (Health Education and Research Association) in collaboration with partners from various sectors of Macedonian society.
The members of the Leadership Group emphasized the need for increased political participation of women, their engagement in the public sphere, and their economic empowerment. These efforts will contribute to a fairer society, creating more opportunities for development and progress for all citizens and, consequently, for society as a whole.
“Women in Macedonian society face significant obstacles in accessing the labor market and achieving equal pay for equal work. Unpaid care responsibilities further hinder the inclusion and advancement of women in the workforce, thereby prolonging and maintaining their economic disadvantage. The creation of a national gender equality initiative as a structure, which will promote and advocate for policies addressing gender issues and protecting the rights of women and girls, is crucial for fostering progress in society as a whole,” stated Mila Carovska, Chief Executive Officer of HERA, and Elizabeta Božinoska, Program Director of HERA.
She added that it is encouraging to see a strong interest in membership within the Leadership Group, which includes representatives from political parties, the academic community, culture, civic organizations, religious organizations, media, and chambers. These representatives can effectively lobby for and contribute to gender-sensitive and gender-responsible policies.
Despite the country’s efforts in adopting the Istanbul Convention and implementing gender-sensitive laws, including those addressing violence against women, the practical application and realization of these laws remain insufficient. Gender stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination are still widespread. Research shows that women are underrepresented in decision-making roles, senior management positions in politics and business, and in the labor market, as well as in defense and security sectors. Currently, only 38.3% of employees are women, 28.5% of property in the country is owned by women, and only 4.1% is owned by women from rural areas. Additionally, women comprise the majority of domestic violence victims, accounting for 79% of cases. Only 41% of women meet the conditions for receiving a state pension, and 66.4% of unpaid family workers are women
The platform established through the Leadership Group will help reduce the polarization of views on gender equality in the country, find solutions for better policymaking, decision-making, and adopt appropriate legal frameworks that contribute to the advancement of gender equality. A methodology for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (RESI) is planned for adoption, which will guide policies, advocacy, and implementation. This methodology will serve as a tool to ensure the application of standards for gender and social inclusion in the development of future policies.
The leadership meeting for gender equality is organized as part of the project “Together for Gender Equality: Building Support for Gender Inclusive Policies,” implemented by HERA (Health Education and Research Association) with support from the British Embassy in Skopje. The project aims to establish and support a national network for gender equality that will advocate for and protect the rights of girls and women in North Macedonia. It encourages discussions and collaboration within the Leadership Group for Gender Equality and promotes the advocacy and adoption of gender-based policies.