In front of you is the Annual report for our work during the year of 2022 – a year that we will remember for the war in Ukraine and the global energy crisis but also for the drastic budget cuts that devastated the HIV prevention in Macedonia all together and the consolidation of the anti-feminist movement who thrives because of the impunity of hate speech and inexpedience of authorities.
Under such circumstances, it is even more important to call attention to and acknowledge our success!
Fourteen professional associations and civil society organisations joined us in our efforts to introduce #CSEatShooldesks, by signing the Declaration “With Sexuality Education in Schools to a Healthier and Safer Youth“. For the first time in the country, some twenty professionals were trained for counselling and treatment of men in crisis and perpetrators of violence. We also developed a cross-sectoral Operational Plan and Concept on Men’s Counselling and Support Centres in the Republic of North Macedonia. We were part of the national consultations and working groups for adopting the new Gender Equality Strategy, and helped the Municipality of Strumica to adopt its Action Plan and Budget for domestic violence services. We are particularly proud that some 700 persons did home-based HIV tests within the HIV piloting process and that we joined forces with our members and associates to develop our new Strategic Framework (2023 – 2028).
All these as well as the other activities that we implemented in 2022 are presented with more details and information in the annual report available here.
Finally, we express our heartfelt gratitude to all our donors, associates and members who helped us ride out (yet another) crisis year. The support and trust they give us lend an even greater strength to endure in our commitment to sexual and reproductive rights – because the world will continue to change, but without these rights, it will be neither finer nor fairer.