Кога беше поднесен новиот предлог закон за пчрекинување на бременоста, ХЕРА ги повика организациите да потпишат писмо. Ова писмо ја истакнува поддршката кои потписниците ја даваат на иницијативата на макеоднските организации кои што аргументирано тврдат дека овој закон не е ништо друго освен загрозување на женските права.
Ова писмо е потпишано од 91 организација од целиот свет. Ова писмо е испратено до Пратениците во Собранието на Република Македонија и Премиерот на Владата на Република Македонија. Сите овие организации ја изрразуваат својата загриженост околу новиот закон и бараат истито да биде повлечен.
International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network | Center for Reproductive Rights |European Women’s lobby | Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association | Reproductive Health Alliance of Kyrgyzstan | SRH | Rutgers WPF | Nazionale delle Consulte per la Laicità delle Istituzioni | RFSU – Riksförbundet för sexuell upplysning | Central London Humanist Group | Catolicas por el Derecho a Decidir de España | APAC-Suisse, Assotiation de professionnels de l’avortement et de la contraception, Switzerland | Family Planning Association of Moldova | Associação Para o Planeamento da Família (APF) | Family Planning and Sexual Health Association, Lithunia | Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada | The Federation for Women and Family Planning | ASTRA Central and Eastern European Women’s Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights | Labris – organizacija za lezbejska ljudska prava | Reconstruction Women’s Fund | Dachverband Freier Weltanschauungsgemeinschaften | Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights | Societatea de Educaţie Contraceptivă şi Sexuală | Fondo Alquimia | Tajik Family Planning Alliance | sgpNEE | Reproductive Health Matters | International Consortium for Medical Abortion (ICMA) | International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion, c/o ICMA |Sidmennt – The Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association | AHA Association of Atheists, Humanists and Agnostics of Luxembourg | Doctors For Choice | Alliance for Choice | Women against Violence Network, Serbia | AIDOS – ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA DONNE PER LO SVILUPPO | Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights | Latvijas Gimenes Planošanas un Seksualas Veselibas Asociacija | Local Development Agency on Reproductive and Maternal Health (LODARMAH) | Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies – Cyprus | Ipas | EGALE – Egalité, Laïcité, Europe, France | Fundatia Centrul pentru Constiinta Critica, Romania | Présidente Ligue du Droit International des Femmes| Solidarity for Freedom of Conscience | National Secular Society | UK Pink Triangle Trust | Russian Association for Population and Development | “Rowan Bunch” Coalition | Federación de Planificación Familiar Estatal | Center Women and Modern World – Azerbaijan | PINK Embassy / LGBT Pro Albania | Children’s Human Rights Centre of Albania – CRCA | Agritra-vizion Centre Peshkopi | Mouvement Français pour le Planning Familial | Rural Women Diber Federation | Association for Women with Social Problems | Women’s resource center, Armenia | Regional Centre for Minorities | Greek Helsinki Monitor | Gender alliance for Development Centrea | Gender Project for Bulgaria Foundation | Association of Autonomous Women’s Initiatives AWIN | Union des FAmilles Laïques, France | Slovak Family Planning Association | The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation | Women Health and Family Planning Charity Foundation | ECPI-Euroregional Center for Public Initiatives | Psycho-Social Centre “Vatra”, | Catholics for Choice, Global | Albanian Women Empowerment Network | Kosovo Gender Studies Center | Sensoa, Vlaams expertisecentrum voor seksuele gezondheid | Osez le feminism, France | The Association of Women Sandglass, Krusevac, Serbia | YouAct: European Youth Network on Sexual and Reproductive Rights | ALTERO – Asocijacija za lični trening, edukaciju, razvoj i osnaživanje, Srbija | FIAPAC, the International Federation of Professional Abortion and Contraception Associates | LUNA, the Belgian association of flemish abortion centres, Belgium | Choice Ireland | LGBTIQA Association ‘’Okvir’’ | Equidad de Género, Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia, México | British Humanist Association | European Humanist Federation, Belgium | Sex og Politikk, Norway | ICOSA Ltd., U.K | Estonian Sexual Health Association, Estonia | Association XY, Bosnia and Herzegovina | Albanian Center for Populatiion and Development ( ACPD), Albania | FPA, UK | Global Doctors for Choice, US | Women’s Association Aureola